13 May 13th May 2019 Meeting Minutes
Minutes of the Winchburgh Community Council Meeting held in the Community Education Centre, Craigton Place, Winchburgh at 7.00pm on Monday 13th May 2019.
April Minutes, Proposed by Jim Sommerville, seconded by William Honeyford
Community Councillors: Graham Campbell (“GC”), Mandy Baird (“MB”), Jim Sommerville (“JS”), William Honeyford (“WH”), Sheila Sutherland (“SS”), Paul Milne (“PM”), John Pritchard (“JP”) and Peter Anderson (“PA”).
Public: Raymond McCabe, P Eastty, Chris McWilliams, Calvin McFarlane, Yvonne Spence, Trevor Spence, Vivienne Brown, Andrew Brown, Wendy Grant, Donna Mabon, John Pride, Edith Small and John Finnigan
Winchburgh Developments: John Hamilton (“JH”) and Penny Lochhead (“PL”)
West Lothian Council: Diane Calder (“DC”)
Apologies: Nick Knox, Pete Nisbet, Irene Wallace, Chris Horne, Janet Campbell and Angela Doran
GC opened the meeting by advising that as Nick and Pete were not in attendance at the meeting, he would chair.
Winchburgh Developments Update
JH advised the meeting that a recent event had been held where the Transport Secretary visited Winchburgh to view the plans for the village, and for various presentations by the transport companies, as well as the Community Council, who were represented by its Chairman, Nick Knox.
Both Scotrail and Network Rail were in attendance.
A wider transport study, encompassing Rail, is underway, which could include an upgrade of Winchburgh Junction, which in turn may impact where and when the station will be built.
JH noted that they study should be complete by the end of June.
The Motorway junction is scheduled to open in Summer 2021, and the design of the road is in place, subject to any objections.
JH advised that a contract has been signed with Scottish Canals for the planned Marina. It will contain space for 20 canal barge moorings, and two bridges will be built to accommodate, which require Historic Scotland consent. The Marina is working to the same timescale as the M9 junction.
JH added that the contract for the remediation work for the Auldcathie Park is due to start on Monday 27th May.
SS raised that there was a bad smell around the village this morning – was this connected? JH advised that no ground had yet been broken, and PL confirmed that the program of work would be advised to the community.
JS raised further questions about public transport, especially buses. JH advised that First Bus were present at the meeting with the Transport Secretary, and JH has met with him separately.
JH advised that the 38 service has been reinstated to the previous timetable as requested, and that WDL make contributions to First Bus, but that it is up to First Bus as to how these contributions are made.
PM asked whether the 38 service would change with the development, ie whether it would run down the new Main Road once that is in place. JH advised that would be up to First Bus.
DC added that Craig McCorriston from West Lothian Council has asked First Bus for confirmation as to how these contributions from WDL were to be used.
PM noted that the 600 service had now been extended out to Whitburn, but that it still did not service St John’s Hospital.
JH added that the Public right of way was now closed where the Auldcathie Regeneration work is to be carried out, and will be closed for approximately 1 year.
A pedestrian crossing is planned to the west of Sainsbury’s in the near future, towards the Bellway properties.
SS and PM have been invited into the school campus to meet with parents regarding traffic issues. Mrs Murray has also extended an invitation to meet at any time.
A new Walking Football team will commence every Wednesday night between 8 and 9pm at the kick-pitch, costing £1 each week.
The first birthday celebration for Winchburgh Albion will take place at the Bowling Club at 3pm on Sunday 2nd June.
Heart of Midlothian FC have been working with the Winchburgh Albion coaches and players in the last few weeks.
The Netball team have raised approx. £1000 for Alzheimers
It has been a quiet month for the bowling club, and John Reddington has now taken over the running of the bar.
The Junior membership of the golf club is now standing at 42 members. 7 Lady members have also joined. Steven Gallacher has also visited the club recently.
An application has been made to build 4 houses on the triangular plot of land to the west end of the village.
The application to build the private nursery has now been approved.
The temporary planning permission for Winchburgh Garage Services has expired, and the Garage has submitted a new application to the Council.
JS advised that he is arranging another Classic Car Show in the Village, and is looking for approx. 15 volunteers to assist as marshals.
A query was raised around the targeted opening dates for the new schools. The Holy Family and non-Denmoinational Secondary school buildings are targeting 2022, with the Denominational secondary school after that.
Two public consultation meetings will be held regarding Holy Family and the non-Denominational secondary school. The Holy Family event will take place on Thursday 23rd May between 6.30 and 8pm at Holy Family Primary School, while the Secondary School meeting will take place on Monday 27th May between 6.30-8.30pm at Winchburgh Primary School.
MB raised that she did not think that the planters that were in place at the War Memorial were in place, and that perhaps they should be moved to another location. CM replied stating that they had been located at that site for the last 5 months, and that no complaints had been raised with the growing group. CM advised that Pete Nisbet had requested the previous week if the planters could be painted to make them stand out less – CM advised that this had been completed that same day. MB added that she did not think this was enough, and that the current siting was somewhat disrespectful, and suggested that they could potentially be moved to the Community Garden instead.
MB also asked whether the Growing Group would potentially look into plating flowers also – CM advised that the group was only set up to grow edibles, and that this may better fall under the purview of the Winchburgh Development Trust.
PM advised he is to take up the issue of cars parking on the pavement with the police.
MB advised she will speak to the council about cutting back the chestnut tree on Niddrie Road.
Next Meeting – 7:00pm, Monday 10th June 2019
Minutes prepared by G Campbell